Showing 4 Result(s)

Elevator Speeches: Bring the Value

Everyone should have an elevator speech. Everyone. Your pitch is critical during a job search. I remember one of my professors in college describing someone being escorted out of the building because they couldn’t convey their elevator speech to the listener quickly and concisely. That could never happen to me. Then it happened to me. …

Why Should I Hire You?

I want to share a lesson I had learned over the years working in corporate America.  When I was growing up I wasn’t an outstanding student or athlete but I did pretty good.  I was taught not to flaunt anything and be humble about my accomplishments.  This served me well until I got into the …

You’re Not a Veteran. So Why?

It only seems appropriate that my first blog post occurs on Veteran’s Day 2014.  It has taken me a while to be able to translate why I chose to start my business and why I chose to focus helping veterans transition out of the military. It would be helpful to start with some background about …

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