It is the week before the holiday, and many businesses slow down for the New Year. On the other hand, this can be the busiest time of the year for many employees. There is a trend going on right now where people are putting out snacks for their mail carriers. I asked if they are too busy to eat right now, and many confirmed that it is correct.
I recently went by a coffee shop, and no workers were in sight. I peaked behind the counter, and the worker was asleep. While I missed on my latte that day, I realized that leaders need to be diligent in checking on their employees. He may have been hungover, sleepy, sick, sad, or so bored out of his mind that he is planning on quitting. Leaders will only know the answer to those questions if they are present during the holidays. I have seen many leaders go missing until January of the next year, and that can be dangerous. I’m not saying that you can’t take some time off, but disappearing is not good.
Now is a great time to show appreciation to your staff, especially if they are working through the holidays with no days off. I would recommend setting a budget for each employee. If it is too much financially, I would at least go by and shake their hands. While presents are lovely, your presence will go a long way.